...was the year I switched jobs. I got to work closer to home and with something I love doing.
...was the year I buried both my mother and my grandmother. The two women that has had the biggest impact on my life, both killed by cancer, are gone. I miss them, alot. The pain sometimes makes it difficult to breathe but somehow we all go on, one step at a time.
Mother & Grandmother
...was the year dear friends got married!
Anna & Mikke
...was the year our third beautiful, beautiful baby boy was born.
...was the year my mother-in-law had a massive heart attack and survived!
...was the year I lost my inspiration to sew - and got it back again!
...was the year we stayed home for Christmas - and loved it!
I wish you all a very happy new year and may 2012 be the year of new beginnings, new hopes and new dreams!
2011 ett år fyllt av sorg men också av glädje. Jag förstår att det ibland kan kännas svårt att andas. Av svårigheter blir man stark...och du är stark.
SvaraRaderaKram till dej med önskan om ett glädjefyllt år 2012 från Anne-Marlen