december 31, 2011


...was the year I switched jobs. I got to work closer to home and with something I love doing.

...was the year I buried both my mother and my grandmother. The two women that has had the biggest impact on my life, both killed by cancer, are gone. I miss them, alot. The pain sometimes makes it difficult to breathe but somehow we all go on, one step at a time.

Mother & Grandmother

...was the year dear friends got married!

Anna & Mikke

...was the year our third beautiful, beautiful baby boy was born.


...was the year my mother-in-law had a massive heart attack and survived!

...was the year I lost my inspiration to sew - and got it back again!

...was the year we stayed home for Christmas - and loved it!

I wish you all a very happy new year and may 2012 be the year of new beginnings, new hopes and new dreams!


december 24, 2011

december 23, 2011

Loved, missed but never forgotten.

Today would have been my mothers birthday and the beginning of our christmas celebration. That is the way it's always been in our family. Instead there has been a lot of tears. I somehow didn't think today would be so difficult, I was worrying about tomorrow and therefor the grief and sorrow sort of blindsided me and made me inactive. But today also became a time of rememberence and a chance to look forward and create new habits.

Foto: Håkan Sundström

Hold on to your loved ones! You never know when they will have to return to sender.


december 20, 2011


A friend of mine is having a baby during christmas and I could not resist makeing a wreath out of diapers ;)


Christmas sewalong

I have finished my Christmas sewalong stitchery banner! Thank you so much Lesley for sharing the pattern!


"God jul" in swedish means Merry christmas =)

Also, I have finally finished my snowmen UFO! And it looks like this:

Better late then never, or what do you say Stina??

It's good to be sewing again!
