februari 29, 2012


I want, want, want one! It would look so beautiful in our house.


februari 11, 2012


Yet another saturday has been spent in the emergency room at the hospital. This time it was my turn with really bad stomach aches. Unfortunately they were unable to help me and I was sent home. Hope the medication helps!


februari 06, 2012

Suddenly winter for real.

Saturday morning we woke up to a cold house. Only 9°C indoors and -37°C outdoors! By the end of the day we had reached a temperature of 15°C indoors and we were all freezing. Neo had his own way of keeping warm:

Saturday night I spent in the emergency room with our daughter who had stomach pains :(
Sunday morning the water was frozen! My DH (God bless him) spent most of the day working on defrosting those waterlines and by evening we got the water back. So... thank God it's monday! Except I'm sick again...Coughing and feverish but I guess spending a weekend like a popsicle will do that to you.


februari 01, 2012

Makeing progress.

I couldn't resist the Bunny Hill scrappy plate club so I pulled out one of my many scrap bins

and started cutting.

240 pieces! And I didn't even make a dent in the scrap bin! First seem has been sewn

The second one too...

Pretty soon I'm gonna have me some dresden plates!
